Welcome to America
Today, the Buchanan Bird Brains invited students from the University of Beijing. We demonstrated Doc XII and explained our FIRST values and STEAM goals while giving them a tour of our extravagant Energy Academy.(Don’t mind all of the trash in the corner, no one ever really bothers to clean it up.) The students left today with an inspire burning in their souls to start their own robotics team!(I hope)
Following the departure of our now close friends, programmers are continuing to work hard on the inputs for the elevator and intake. By the look of John’s body language he’s starting to come up with an idea that will revolutionize programming forever. I hope. Fabrication is working on more parts for DOC XIV. While CAD has sent off sheet metal parts to be made and have wrapped up the drawings for the elevator and input.
IR has finished the final draft of our Chairmans essay and are the ones that put the whole event together today. At the rate we are going ladies and gentleman i think we’re looking at our 2018 FIRST Robotics Competition Champions.