FIRST® Robotics Team 1671

Team 1671 is a high-school robotics team from Buchanan High School in Clovis, California that participates in the annual FIRST® Robotics Competition and we make it our purpose to spread the appreciation of Science and Technology throughout our community.

Alumni went on to college
Of Current Members looking to Pursue majors in STEAM Fields
Alumni studying or employed in STEM fields
Average Age of Members
Growth over the past 15 years
Student Leaders

Our History

Building the Bird Brains Legacy

In 2004, a collection of inspired high school students and teachers had an idea: build Buchanan High School a robotics team. Starting out with fourteen members, BRT 1671 has grown into an assortment of many high school students driven with the same dreams. We are located in Clovis, California at the Floyd B. Buchanan High School on 1560 N. Minnewawa. We acted on our drive to create robots in a professional atmosphere. With the help of some very dedicated professionals, we combined the experience of engineers to create something that has had an incredible impact on many young lives. Every year, the FIRST® Robotics competition puts forth into the world the engineers of the future, and gives them the tools to change the world. Each year our team flowers, from cultivating our close alliance with Pelco by Schneider Electric to mentoring local elementary teams. Our team will continue to stretch into the future, and keep the same inspiration that founded our team.

We need your help!

Team 1671 is a nonprofit organization; however, our team spends over $80,000 a year in order to properly function. The expenses include material costs, competition fees, and travel costs. With your tax deductible donation, you can help these future engineers and scientists pursue their dreams of making the Central Valley a hub of flourishing STEM programs and businesses.
