The Bird Brains just finished all of their finals, so everything will soon get back to normal. They are getting busier as it is getting closer to Bag and Tag, which is when our team stops working on the robot. IR continued with their ST rotations, the Chairman’s Binder and essay has been edited as well as the EI binder. Our CAD members have finished working on the drivetrain and are now figuring out the layout of the electronics while waiting for some parts to arrive. They are also working on an important mechanism on the robot, and are making drawings to send to the manufacturer. Programming is researching vision tracking, so we can see from the robot’s perspective and is also comparing code with other teams. The electronics members are preparing the shop for arrival of Jim Beck and Janet and are testing our new air compressor with the old one. Last but not least, fabrication members are finishing the drawbridge defense and waiting to receive their new parts so that they can start building.